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Dr Gwen Ineson
Deputy Head of Department /Divisional Lead/Reader in Education

Gaskell Building 223

Research supervision

My past and current doctoral students are listed below and I would be interested to hear from prospective doctoral students with an interest in mathematics education, subject knowledge, number sense, mathematical talk, reasoning and generalisations, professional development.

Current doctoral researchers:

Jawaher Almutairi - Introducing Lesson Study in English as a Foreign Language Education: A Case Study of Saudi Arabia (PhD - ongoing)

Alan Edmiston - Classroom talk and the third space (PhD, ongoing)

Omer Faruk Oktay - Computer-based formative assessment in mathematics (PhD, ongoing)

Mariam Khokar - Effects of 'mastery' mathematics teaching in an army school (PhD, ongoing)

Khalil Muhammadi - A Tertiary Business Curriculum To Reflect the Contemporary World of Work (EdD – ongoing)

Yiannis Paschalis - How teachers can use their TPACK knowledge to help young students overcome the obstacle of 'illusion of linearity' (PhD, ongoing)

Colin Pereira - A Study of the Global Challenges and Delivery Effectiveness in a Transnational Postgraduate Programme (EdD – ongoing)

Ozdemir Tiflis - An investigation of effects of STEM education on closing the skill gaps in vocational education: A comparative study of similarities and differences in teachers’ perspectives and curriculums in Turkey and the UK (PhD, ongoing)

Suleyman Kalay - Effective Schools, effective teachers, and effective leaders: an exploration of beliefs and practices relating to 'gifted & talented' students in one local authority in England (PhD, ongoing)

Previous doctoral researchers:

Brent Brazer - Pupil and staff perceptions of the introduction and use of iPads and cloud services in an Inner London Primary School (PhD, completed)

Catrin Evans - Young children's maths learning: beyond focusing on the ‘right’ answer and exploring what children ‘doing’ maths can reveal about their understanding (EdD awarded posthumously)

Rebecca Turvill - How are children developing number sense post national numeracy strategy? (PhD, completed)

Rachel Walden - Problem Solving in the Mathematics Curriculum: A Case Study Investigating How Year Six Children Attempted Mathematical Problems Solving Activities (EdD, completed)