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Professor Youngok Choi

Michael Sterling 160

Research supervision

Current PhD Researchers

<First Supervisor>

  • Niranjana Menon, Sustainable Innovative Strategies for Interior Architecture Using Biomimicry as an Agent for Wellbeing
  • Zifan Yan, Visual Design Strategies to Mitigate the Anxiety of Public Speaking
  • Nevena Balezdrova, Co-Design to Improve Social Care Services and Systems for Older Immigrants in the UK
  • Young Choo, Design Processes for both OBM (Original Brand Manufacturer) and Design Agencies

<Second Supervisor>

  • Mathurada Bejrananda, Value Co-Creation Framework for Co-Designing Strategic Approaches in Public Service 
  • Nadine Fayyad, Interior Design and Workplace Wellbeing
  • Nour-Eddine Baallal, Enhancing Customer Experience and Customer Loyalty in the Automotive Industry applying Crowdsourcing
  • Bayader Aleisa, Designing a Measurement Scale for Evaluating the Meaning of Friendly Neighbourhood Robots on Humans 

<Research Development Advisor>

  • Sena Berktas, Information Design to enhance communication between Turkish primary school teachers and Syrian immigrant parents