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Professor Shouxun Ji

Membership and affiliation

Technical committee member in national/International organisation: (1) NFE035 Light Metals and Their Alloys, BSI international, UK. (2) ISO/TC 079/SC07 ‘Aluminium and cast aluminium alloys’, ISO. (3) ISO/TC 079/SC06 ‘Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys’, ISO. (4) ISO/TC 079/SC05 ‘Magnesium and alloys of cast or wrought magnesium’, ISO

Organizing committee or scientific committee member in international conferences: (1) Materials Chemistry 2018 (6th International Science and Chemistry, May 17-18, 2018, Rome, Italy). (2)Technical Committee member in scientific committee of International Conference on Advanced Materials Solidification (ICAMS 2015), Shanghai, China, 2015. (3) The 2019 International Conference on Metals and Alloys (CMA 2019)’, August 17-22, Beijing, China. (4) 3rd International Conference on Lightweight Materials and Engineering Structures (LIMAS 2021) 21-23 June, Edinburgh UK