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Dr Rumyana Neykova
Senior Lecturer in Computer Science

Wilfred Brown 210

Journal refereeing

  • Information and Software Technology.
    Date: 08/2021
  • Logical Methods in Computer Science
    Date: 12/2020
  • OOPSLA\Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (PACMPL)
    Date: 04/2020
  • Science of Computer Programming
    Date: 12/2019

Conference refereeing

  • Compiler Construction
    Date: 12/2021
  • COORDINATION 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages
    Date: 02/2020
  • ACM SIGPLAN 2020 International Conference on Compiler Construction (CC 2020)
    Date: 11/2019
  • 15th International Conference on integrated Formal Methods
    Date: 06/2019
  • COORDINATION 2019 - 21st International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages
    Date: 02/2019
  • Coordination 2019
    Date: 03/2019
  • PLACES 2019
    Date: 02/2019

Committee membership

  • 13th Workshop on Programming Language Approaches to Concurrency- & Communication-cEntric Software
    Committee role: Co-chair
    Date: 04/2021
  • PLACES 2022 - 11th Workshop on Programming Language Approaches to Concurrency- & Communication-cEntric Software
    Committee role: Co-chair
    Date: 05/2021
  • BlochArch 2022- 3rd Workshop on Blockchain-based Architecture
    Committee role: Member
    Date: 12/2021
  • ACM SIGPLAN 2020 International Conference on Compiler Construction (CC 2022)
    Committee role: Member
    Date: 11/2021
  • 20th ACM SIGPALN Erlang Workshop
    Committee role: Member
    Date: 05/2021
  • VORTEX 2021 - 5th ACM International Workshop on Verification and mOnitoring at Runtime EXecution
    Committee role: Member
    Date: 04/2021
  • AGERE 2020 - 10th ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Programming Based on Actors, Agents, and Decentralized Control
    Committee role: Member
    Date: 08/2020
  • COORDINATION 2020 – 22nd IFIP International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages
    Committee role: Member
    Date: 02/2020
  • ACM SIGPLAN 2020 International Conference on Compiler Construction (CC 2020)
    Committee role: Member
    Date: 11/2019
  • 18th ACM SIGPPLAN Erlang Workshop
    Committee role: Member
    Date: 05/2019
  • ICE 2019 - 12th Interaction and Concurrency Experience Workshop
    Committee role: Member
    Date: 04/2019
  • COORDINATION 2019 – 21st IFIP International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages
    Committee role: Member
    Date: 02/2019
  • PLACES 2019 - 11th Workshop on Programming Language Approaches to Concurrency- & Communication-cEntric Software (Co-Chair)
    Committee role: Member
    Date: 02/2019
  • AGERE 2018 - 8th ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Programming Based on Actors, Agents, and Decentralized Control.
    Committee role: Member
    Date: 08/2018
  • 17th ACM SIGPPLAN Erlang Workshop
    Committee role: Member
    Date: 06/2018
  • VORTEX 2018 - 2nd ACM International Workshop on Verification and Monitoring at Runtime Execution
    Committee role: Member
    Date: 05/2018