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Dr Derek Groen
Reader in Computer Science

Wilfred Brown Building 210

PhD projects for research students

Research supervision

(listing only projects from the last 5 years)

2015 – CoMPLEX Summer project on modelling brain bloodflow (Rachel Coy, 3 months)

2014 – Summer project on automated ensemble multiscale modelling (Mohamed Itani, 2.5 months, resulted in a journal paper)

2014 – Short summer project on constructing a library for domain decomposition (Rayaan Kanso, 2 weeks)

2014 – 2020 Science internship on clinical validation of our HemeLB bloodflow simulator (Aditya Jitta, 3 months)

2013 – Summer project on weighted domain decomposition (David Abou Chacra, 2.5 months, resulted in a conference paper)