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Mr Alexander Chidara
PhD Student

Research area(s)

Investigation on the ontology-based analysis of circular economy in plastic manufacturing systems and its net-zero implementation perspectives.

Research Interests

  • Polypropylene Systematic Review. 
  • Sustainability Manufacturing.
  • Lean application for monitoring and controlling PET and polypropylene processes.
  • PET Systematic Review.
  • Synthetic Additive to Increase the Circular Economy of PET Plastic Polymer
  • Additive Manufacturing has an impact on the economic GDP growth of any country.
  • Machining Processes: From Linear Economy to Circular Economy.
  • Consumer Preferences Demand is increasing for sustainable thermoplastics.
  • Sustainable Thermoplastic Polypropylene Production: A Life Cycle Assessment Approach". 
  • "Circular Economy Strategies for Thermoplastic Polypropylene Recycling: Opportunities and Challenges" Resources, Conservation & Recycling.
  • "Improving Economic Growth with Sustainable Thermoplastic Polypropylene Practices".
  • "Health Impacts of Thermoplastic Polypropylene Production: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis" Environmental Health Perspectives.
  • "Profitability and Market Trends in Sustainable Thermoplastic Polypropylene Industries": Sustainability Accounting, Management, and Policy.
  • "Policy Interventions to Promote Circular Economy Principles in Thermoplastic Polypropylene Industries" 
  • "Technological Innovations in Additive Manufacturing for Thermoplastic Polypropylene Recycling" -- Additive Manufacturing.
  • "Net Zero Emissions and Circular Economy Frameworks: The Case of the Thermoplastic Polypropylene Industry". 
  • "Community Engagement and Public Awareness of Sustainable Thermoplastic Polypropylene Practices" in Environmental Science & Policy.
  • "The Economic Value of Sustainable Thermoplastic Polypropylene Initiatives: A Cost-Benefit Analysis," Journal of Environmental Economics and Politics.