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Performance Matters, Associate Researcher

Funder: Arts and Humanities Research Council
Duration: -

I was an Associate Researcher with 'Performance Matters', the AHRC-funded creative research project and collaboration between University of Roehampton, London, Goldsmiths, University of London, and the Live Art Development Agency, investigating the cultural value of performance (directed by Adrian Heathfield, Gavin Butt, and Lois Keidan)


Name Telephone Email Office
Dr Katerina Paramana Dr Katerina Paramana
Senior Lecturer in Theatre
T: +44 (0)1895 268900
E: katerina.paramana@brunel.ac.uk
+44 (0)1895 268900 katerina.paramana@brunel.ac.uk Gaskell Building 109


'Talking with Strangers: What is Violence?'. (2012) The White Building, London.


Paramana, K. (2011) 'Martyro'. [Toynbee Studios, London.]
