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Memories from the Margins. Bottom-up practices for dealing with conflict-produced heritage in Lebanon and Syria as new democratic spaces.

Funder: British Academy, GCRF
Duration: November 2019 - November 2021


Name Telephone Email Office
Professor Daniele Rugo Professor Daniele Rugo
Professor of Film
(Principal investigator)
T: +44 (0)1895 265353
E: daniele.rugo@brunel.ac.uk
+44 (0)1895 265353 daniele.rugo@brunel.ac.uk Gaskell Building 161


Parish, N. and Rugo, D. (2021) ''. Journal of the British Academy, 9 (s3). pp. 1 - 9.

Journal article

Rugo, D. and Parish, N. (2021) 'Memories from the Margins: Violence, Conflict and Counter-Narratives'. London, UK: The British Academy.


Abou Jaoude, CH. and Rugo, D. (2021) ''. Journal of the British Academy, 9 (s3). pp. 11 - 27.

Journal article