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A typical week studying Occupational Therapy

Posted: May 18 2022

Vicky Lee, Occupational Therapy

Uni life is very fruitful here at µÚÒ»³Ô¹ÏÍøin both academic and non-academic parts.

For the academic parts, as a first-year student studying Occupational Therapy, I have online lectures twice a week; 2 on-campus seminars with the option of them being online and one face-to-face practical session in a typical week in the first term of the academic year.

We are given some independent study time in the afternoon to finish all the pre-recorded lectures (videos uploaded on the learning platform Blackboard) so that we can take part in the discussions with our teammates the next day. We are required to use approximately 3 hours each day to complete all the questions the asynchronous learning activities in our workbook. Besides the pre-lesson activities, we need to attend the morning seminars and practical sessions.

student looking at laptop

The post-Covid-19 arrangements enable me to participate in non-academic activities such as badminton, yoga and dance classes that take place on campus. Purchasing the µÚÒ»³Ô¹ÏÍøUnion Sports Membership, I am able to take part in various indoor sports classes on campus. They usually take one hour in the evening on weekdays during term time at the Venue and the Isambard Complex. This is another way I can get to know students from other programmes, expanding my social circle here.

In addition, as a student living on campus, endless housework is waiting for me to do. Making meals and doing laundry are some of my typical routines. Despite the relatively boring housework, I enjoy the time with my flatmates. There are 10-16 flatmates in total in most of the accommodation halls at Brunel. Sometimes we have pizza dinners and play video games together in our kitchen. With flatmates of different nationalities, we are able to learn other cultures and languages through playing.

Hope you enjoy the campus life here!